Monday, 4 February 2013

Nikmat yang sering dilupakan


I am a muslim by chance. Allah gives me the chance to be born in a muslim family, to be a muslim. Alhamdulillah. If I was not born as muslim, Islam will be a choice for me. But, would I find Islam as the best way of  my life if I was not a muslim? Am I gonna get the hidayah like other lucky non-muslims to embrace Islam? Would Allah sent me a person to guide me to HIS path?  nauzubillah. I just can't imagine, what would happen to me if Allah let me born as a non-muslim. Allahurabbi...

Being a muslim is the greatest blessing for me. Subhanallah..Thank you ya Allah! :)


Ya Allah, janganlah sesekali Engkau pesongkan hatiku dari agamaMU, 
Peliharalah aku, tetapkanlah imanku kuatkanlah setiap langkahku menuju ke arah kebaikan,
berkatilah setiap perbuatanku kerana sesungguhnya hanya Engkau yang Maha Berkuasa ke atas setiap ciptaanMu..Amiinn

If I am not a muslim now, what would I be? #somethingtoponder



    Thanks sis

  2. saya tag awk utk segmen ni.sudilah join =)


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